How to Unclog Paper Towel from Toilet: Quick Solutions!

By David Alex

Updated on:

To unclog paper towels from a toilet, use a plunger to create suction and force the clog to move. Avoid flushing paper towels as they should be disposed of in the trash rather than the toilet.

Understanding The Problem

Learn how to unclog a toilet clogged with paper towels without causing further damage. Avoid flushing paper towels down the toilet and use a plunger to dislodge the clog effectively.

The difference between toilet paper and paper towels:

  • Toilet paper is specifically designed to break down quickly when flushed, making it safe for toilets.
  • Paper towels, on the other hand, are much thicker and more absorbent than toilet paper.
  • Paper towels are not designed to dissolve in water, which makes them a common culprit for clogged toilets.

What happens when you flush paper towels down the toilet:

  • When you flush paper towels down the toilet, they do not disintegrate like toilet paper.
  • Instead, paper towels can get caught in the pipes and form a blockage.
  • The absorbent nature of paper towels also makes them prone to expanding when wet, exacerbating the clog.

Toilets are not equipped to handle paper towels:

  • The plumbing system of a toilet is designed to handle specific waste materials, including toilet paper.
  • Paper towels are not designed to be flushed, and they can easily get stuck in the pipes or the trap of the toilet.
  • Once a paper towel clogs the toilet, it can lead to a backup or overflow, resulting in a messy and expensive problem to fix.

Flushing paper towels down the toilet can cause significant clogs and plumbing issues. It’s important to only flush toilet paper and properly dispose of paper towels in the trash to avoid these problems.

Quick Solutions To Unclog Paper Towel From Toilet

Quick Solutions To Unclog Paper Towel From Toilet

Clogged toilet with paper towels? Avoid flushing them and use a plunger instead. Fit the plunger over the toilet hole, pump the handle to create suction, and force the clog to move.

Using a plunger effectively:

  • Apply petroleum jelly or dish soap to the plunger for better suction.
  • Place the plunger over the toilet drain and push it down firmly.
  • Use vigorous up-and-down motions to create pressure and dislodge the clog.
  • Repeat the process several times until the water starts to drain.

Hot water method for unclogging:

  • Boil a pot of water on the stove or heat water in the microwave.
  • Carefully pour the hot water into the toilet bowl from waist height.
  • Let the hot water sit for a few minutes to soften the paper towel.
  • Flush the toilet to check if the clog is cleared. Repeat if necessary.

DIY drain cleaner for paper towel clogs:

  • Mix equal parts vinegar and baking soda in a bowl.
  • Pour the mixture into the toilet bowl.
  • Let it sit for about 30 minutes to allow for a chemical reaction.
  • Flush the toilet and check if the clog has cleared. Repeat if needed.

Remember, it’s important to avoid flushing paper towels down the toilet to prevent future clogs. Always dispose of paper towels properly in a waste bin. By following these quick solutions, you can effectively unclog paper towels from your toilet without causing any damage.

Sources: YouTube

Prevention And Maintenance Tips

To prevent clogs caused by paper towels in the toilet, it is important to remember that only toilet paper, facial tissue, and tampons should be flushed. If you do experience a clog, using a plunger can help remove the obstruction.

Pump the handle of the plunger up and down to create suction and force water in and out, allowing the clog to move.

The floor of the toilet and pushed up and down forcefully to generate suction. This will help dislodge the clog and allow water to flow freely again. However, prevention is always better than dealing with a clogged toilet. By following these prevention and maintenance tips, you can avoid the hassle of unclogging paper towels from your toilet.

Proper Disposal Of Paper Towels:

  • Never flush paper towels down the toilet; they are not designed to break down like toilet paper.
  • Dispose of used paper towels in a trash can or compost bin.
  • Educate household members about the importance of proper disposal to avoid clogging the toilet.

Regular Toilet Maintenance:

  • Conduct routine inspections for any signs of clogging or blockage.
  • Use a plunger regularly to keep the toilet drain clear.
  • Perform regular cleaning to prevent debris buildup and potential clogs.
  • Consider using a drain strainer to catch any large debris before it reaches the toilet drain.

Educating Household Members About Flushing Rules:

  • Make sure everyone in the household understands what can and cannot be flushed down the toilet.
  • Emphasize that only toilet paper should be flushed, while paper towels, facial tissues, and other non-flushable items should be disposed of in the trash.
  • Post reminders near the toilet to reinforce good flushing habits.

Remember, prevention is key when it comes to avoiding toilet clogs caused by paper towels. Taking the time to educate household members and practice proper disposal and maintenance techniques can save you time, money, and the headache of dealing with a clogged toilet.

Frequently Asked Questions For How To Unclog Paper Towel From Toilet

What Do You Do If Your Toilet Is Clogged With Paper Towels?

To unclog a toilet clogged with paper towels, use a plunger. Fit the plunger over the hole, pump the handle up and down to create suction, and force the water back out to remove the clog. Avoid flushing paper towels in the future, as they can cause blockages.

Will Paper Towels Eventually Dissolve In Toilet?

Yes, paper towels will eventually dissolve in a toilet, but it may take weeks or even months. However, if you pile a lot of them in the pipes, it can cause a blockage.

What Chemical Dissolves Paper Towels?

Chemicals that dissolve paper towels include strong acids like sulfuric acid or hydrochloric acid.

Will Bleach Dissolve Paper Towels?

Bleach will not dissolve paper towels.


If you find yourself with a clogged toilet due to paper towels, there are a few steps you can take to unclog it. Remember, paper towels should never be flushed down the toilet, as they can cause blockages. The first step is to gather a plunger and fit it over the hole in the toilet.

Then, pump the handle up and down to create suction and force the water to move and dislodge the clog. Be patient and repeat the process if necessary. If the clog persists, you may need to try alternative methods like using a plumbing snake or calling a professional plumber.

It is important to keep in mind that paper towels will eventually dissolve in the pipes, but it may take some time. To prevent future clogs, always dispose of paper towels properly by throwing them in the trash.

My Name is David Alex and My Passion is Full-Time Niche Blogging! As a Content Writer, I have over 5 years of Experience.