How to Clean Cooling Towels: Expert Tips for Fresh and Odor-Free Towels

By David Alex

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To clean cooling towels, soak them in water, wring out the excess, and shake them for 5 to 10 seconds. The towels can be machine washed at a maximum temperature of 30 degrees Celsius.

Cooling towels are a popular accessory for athletes, outdoor enthusiasts, and anyone looking to beat the heat. These towels work by retaining water and providing a cooling sensation when placed on the body. However, after repeated use, cooling towels can accumulate dirt, sweat, and odor.

Proper cleaning is essential to maintain their effectiveness and prolong their lifespan. We will discuss how to clean cooling towels and keep them fresh and hygienic for continued use.

1. Why Cleaning Cooling Towels Is Important

Why Cleaning Cooling Towels Is Important

Cleaning cooling towels is important to maintain their effectiveness and prevent the build-up of bacteria and odors. To clean them, soak in warm water with bleach for an hour, rinse thoroughly, and then wash in the washing machine.

Importance Of Keeping Cooling Towels Clean

Cleaning cooling towels regularly is essential to maintain their effectiveness and prevent bacteria and odor buildup. By following proper cleaning techniques, you can ensure that your cooling towels remain fresh, hygienic, and functional for a longer period of time. Here’s why keeping cooling towels clean is important:

  • Preventing bacteria and odor buildup: Cooling towels are often used in hot and sweaty conditions, making them a breeding ground for bacteria. Regularly cleaning your towels helps eliminate bacteria, preventing unpleasant odors and potential skin infections.
  • Maintaining the effectiveness of the cooling properties: Over time, dirt, sweat, and other contaminants can accumulate on cooling towels, hampering their ability to cool effectively. Cleaning them removes these impurities, ensuring that the towels continue to provide maximum cooling relief.

To ensure proper hygiene and maximize the benefits of cooling towels, it is crucial to clean them regularly. By incorporating the following cleaning practices into your routine, you can extend the lifespan and effectiveness of your cooling towels:

  • Machine wash your cooling towels after each use.
  • Use a mild detergent and wash them in cold water.
  • Avoid using fabric softeners or bleach, as these can damage the cooling properties of the towels.
  • Hang the towels to air dry or tumble dry on low heat.

Remember, regular cleaning not only helps maintain the cleanliness of your cooling towels but also ensures that they function optimally, providing you with refreshing relief during hot days or intense workouts. So make it a habit to clean your cooling towels regularly to keep them fresh, hygienic, and effective.

2. Recommended Cleaning Methods

Recommended Cleaning Methods

To clean cooling towels, soak them in cool water for 2-3 minutes, then wave them in the air for 10-15 seconds to activate. After use, the towels can be machine washed at a maximum temperature of 30 degrees Celsius.

Method 1: Hand Washing

Hand washing is a gentle and effective way to clean your cooling towels. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:

  • Fill a clean sink or basin with lukewarm water.
  • Add a mild detergent or laundry soap to the water and mix well.
  • Place the cooling towels in the soapy water and gently agitate them for a few minutes to loosen any dirt or sweat.
  • Rinse the towels thoroughly with clean water to remove all soap residue.
  • Squeeze out excess water from the towels without wringing or twisting them.
  • Lay the towels flat on a clean surface and pat them dry with a clean towel or let them air dry.
  • Once dry, fold or roll the towels neatly and store them in a cool, dry place until their next use.

Recommended cleaning agents and solutions:

  • Mild detergent or laundry soap
  • Gentle fabric cleaner

Drying and storing the towels properly:

  • Air drying or towel drying is recommended to prevent damage to the fabric.
  • Store the towels in a cool and dry place to maintain their freshness.

Method 2: Machine Washing

Machine washing can be a convenient and efficient way to clean your cooling towels. Follow these guidelines for a successful wash:

  • Place the cooling towels in a mesh laundry bag to prevent them from getting tangled or stretched.
  • Set your washing machine to a delicate or gentle cycle with cold water.
  • Add a small amount of mild detergent or laundry soap to the machine.
  • Start the washing machine and let it complete the cycle.
  • Once the cycle is finished, remove the towels from the machine and squeeze out excess water.
  • Lay the towels flat on a clean surface and pat them dry with a clean towel or let them air dry.
  • Fold or roll the towels neatly and store them in a cool, dry place until their next use.

Choosing the right washing machine settings:

  • Delicate or gentle cycle
  • Cold water

Precautions to take when machine washing cooling towels:

  • Use a mesh laundry bag to protect the towels and prevent damage.
  • Avoid using fabric softeners or bleach, as they can reduce the towels’ cooling effectiveness.

Method 3: Soaking And Disinfecting

Soaking and disinfecting your cooling towels can help eliminate odor and bacteria. Follow these steps for optimal results:

  • Fill a clean sink or basin with enough lukewarm water to submerge the towels.
  • Add a disinfectant solution specifically designed for fabric or sports gear.
  • Place the towels in the water and let them soak for the recommended amount of time, usually 10-15 minutes.
  • Gently agitate the towels in the water every few minutes.
  • After soaking, rinse the towels thoroughly with clean water to remove any remaining disinfectant.
  • Squeeze out excess water without wringing or twisting the towels.
  • Lay the towels flat on a clean surface and pat them dry with a clean towel or let them air dry.
  • Fold or roll the towels neatly and store them in a cool, dry place until their next use.

Using disinfectants to remove odor and bacteria:

  • Disinfectant solutions specifically designed for fabric or sports gear

Proper soaking techniques for cleaning cooling towels:

  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for recommended soaking time and water temperature.

When and how often to soak cooling towels:

  • Soak the towels after each use or as needed to remove odor and bacteria.
  • It is recommended to soak the towels every few uses or as directed by the manufacturer.

Remember, proper cleaning and maintenance of your cooling towels ensure optimal performance and longevity. Following these recommended cleaning methods will help keep your towels fresh, clean, and ready to provide cooling relief whenever you need it.

3. Additional Tips For Maintaining Fresh Cooling Towels

To maintain fresh cooling towels, you can soak them in cool water for 2-3 minutes, wave them in the air for 10-15 seconds, and then machine wash them as needed to remove any residual stains.

Storing The Towels Properly To Prevent Odor And Mold:

  • After each use, make sure to wash and dry the cooling towels thoroughly before storing them to prevent the growth of mold and unpleasant odor.
  • Store the towels in a clean and dry place, away from moisture and direct sunlight. Avoid storing them in a humid environment, such as a bathroom.
  • Consider using a mesh bag or a breathable container to store the towels, allowing air circulation and preventing moisture buildup.
  • If possible, store the towels flat or hang them up to maintain their shape and prevent wrinkles.

Regularly Checking For Signs Of Wear And Tear:

  • Inspect the cooling towels regularly for any signs of wear and tear, such as fraying edges or holes.
  • Replace the towels if they are no longer in good condition or if they start to lose their cooling effectiveness.
  • Pay attention to the stitching and seams of the towels, as they can weaken over time. Reinforce or repair any loose threads or seams as needed.

Tips For Refreshing And Deodorizing Cooling Towels:

  • If your cooling towels start to develop a lingering odor, there are a few methods to refresh and deodorize them:
  • Soak the towels in a mixture of mild detergent and water, then rinse thoroughly. Hang them to air dry or use a low heat setting in the dryer.
  • Add a small amount of white vinegar to the soak water to help eliminate any odors. Rinse well before drying.
  • Alternatively, you can soak the towels in a solution of water and baking soda for a few hours to neutralize odors. Rinse and dry them afterward.

How To Handle Stubborn Stains And Discoloration:

  • For stubborn stains or discoloration on your cooling towels, try the following methods:
  • Treat the stain with a stain remover or a mixture of baking soda and water. Gently scrub the affected area with a soft brush before rinsing and washing the towel.
  • If the stain persists, soak the towel in a solution of hydrogen peroxide and water for a few minutes before washing.

Remember to always follow the manufacturer’s care instructions for your specific cooling towels to ensure proper maintenance and longevity.

Sources: YouTube

Frequently Asked Questions For How To Clean Cooling Towels

How Do You Wash All Cool Ice Towels?

To wash all cool ice towels, soak the towel, wring out excess water, and shake for 5 to 10 seconds. The towel can be machine-washed at a maximum temperature of 30 degrees Celsius.

How Do I Keep My Cooling Towels From Smelling?

To keep your cooling towels from smelling, follow these steps: 1. If the towel develops mildew or an odor, soak it in a mixture of 1 tablespoon bleach and 1 gallon of warm water for an hour or two. 2. Rinse the towel thoroughly to remove any bleach residue.

3. Wash the towel in the washing machine to remove any residual stains. 4. Repeat the process as needed to ensure the towel stays fresh and odor-free.

Can You Reuse A Cooling Towel?

Yes, cooling towels can be safely reused by following the activation process of soaking in cool water and waving in the air.

How Do You Wash Microfiber Cooling Towels?

To wash microfiber cooling towels, soak them in cool water for 2-3 minutes, then shake them in the air for 10-15 seconds. You can also machine wash them at a maximum temperature of 30 degrees Celsius.


Keeping your cooling towels clean and fresh is essential to ensure their longevity and effectiveness. By following a few simple steps, you can easily maintain your cooling towels and enjoy their cooling benefits for a long time. Start by rinsing your towel thoroughly after each use to remove any sweat or dirt.

Then, soak the towel in a mixture of warm water and mild detergent for a few minutes. Gently squeeze and rinse the towel to remove the detergent. Avoid using harsh chemicals or bleach as they can damage the fabric. After cleaning, hang the towel to air dry or tumble dry on low heat.

If your towel develops a mildew or unpleasant odor, soak it in a mixture of warm water and bleach, then rinse thoroughly. Remember to avoid wringing or twisting the towel too hard as it can cause damage. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your cooling towels stay fresh, clean, and ready for use whenever you need them.

My Name is David Alex and My Passion is Full-Time Niche Blogging! As a Content Writer, I have over 5 years of Experience.