Can You Put Paper Towel in an Air Fryer? Ultimate Guide

By Sayeem Neer

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No, it is not advisable to put paper towels in an air fryer, as they can become a fire hazard due to the high temperatures involved. Using paper towels in an air fryer can pose a serious safety risk.

Air fryers rely on hot air circulation to cook food, and paper towels can easily catch fire when exposed to intense heat. This can lead to a potentially dangerous situation. It is best to use approved materials for cooking in an air fryer, such as aluminum foil or parchment paper, which are designed to withstand the heat and are safe to use.

Ensuring proper safety measures will help you make the most of your air fryer without taking any risks.

Understanding The Use Of Paper Towels In Air Fryers

The Use Of Paper Towels In Air Fryers

Discover the dos and don’ts of using paper towels in air fryers. Get insights on whether it is safe and how to use it correctly for a cleaner cooking experience without sacrificing taste.

Can you put paper towels in an air fryer? This question often arises for those who love experimenting with their air fryers. Paper towels can be a handy tool when it comes to air fryer cooking, but it’s important to understand their role, potential benefits, and possible drawbacks or risks.

Let’s explore the topic further.

What Role Do Paper Towels Play In Air Fryer Cooking?

Paper towels in air fryers can serve multiple purposes. Here are some common roles they play:

  • Absorbing excess oil: Placing a layer of paper towel at the bottom of the air fryer basket can help soak up any excess oil from the food being cooked.
  • Preventing food from sticking: Placing a paper towel under foods like bacon or fragile items can prevent them from sticking to the air fryer basket.
  • Catching drips and crumbs: When cooking greasy or crumbly foods, using a paper towel can help catch drips and crumbs, making it easier to clean the air fryer afterward.

Exploring The Potential Benefits Of Using Paper Towels In An Air Fryer

Using paper towels in your air fryer can bring some benefits to your cooking experience. Here are a few to consider:

  • Healthier cooking: Paper towels can help absorb excess oils, resulting in reduced fat content in the finished dish.
  • Easier cleanup: By catching drips and crumbs, paper towels can make cleaning the air fryer basket a breeze.
  • Improved texture: Placing a paper towel under certain foods can help achieve a crispier texture by absorbing moisture.

Considering The Possible Drawbacks Or Risks Of Putting Paper Towels In An Air Fryer

While paper towels can be useful, it’s essential to be aware of the potential drawbacks or risks involved. Here are a few considerations:

  • Fire hazard: Paper towels can potentially ignite if they come into direct contact with the heating element of the air fryer. Caution should be exercised to avoid this risk.
  • Airflow obstruction: Using too many paper towels or placing them in a way that obstructs airflow may lead to uneven cooking or less effective air frying.
  • Chemical leaching: Some paper towels may contain chemicals like bleach or dyes that could transfer to the food during cooking. Choosing unbleached, food-safe paper towels is recommended.

It’s important to strike a balance and use paper towels judiciously in your air fryer cooking. Understanding their role, benefits, and potential risks will help you make informed decisions for delicious and safe meals.

Proper Ways To Use Paper Towels In An Air Fryer

Proper Ways To Use Paper Towels In An Air Fryer

Discover the proper ways to use paper towels in an air fryer to ensure a clean and efficient cooking experience. Learn how to protect your food from excess moisture and maintain the quality of your air fryer by following these simple tips.

Air fryers have become a popular cooking appliance due to their ability to create delicious and crispy dishes with less oil. And while using parchment paper or aluminum foil is a common practice to prevent sticking and facilitate cleaning, have you ever wondered if you can use paper towels in an air fryer?

In this section, we will explore the proper ways to use paper towels in an air fryer to enhance your cooking experience.

Using Paper Towels For Oil Absorption In Air Frying:

  • Place a layer of paper towels on the bottom of the air fryer basket before adding your food. The paper towels will absorb excess oil, resulting in healthier and less greasy dishes.
  • Make sure to use a high-quality paper towel to ensure it doesn’t disintegrate or leave any residue on your food.

Techniques For Lining The Air Fryer Basket With Paper Towels:

  • Tear off enough paper towel sheets to cover the bottom of the air fryer basket completely.
  • Crumple the paper towels slightly, allowing air to circulate evenly around the food. This will help prevent the paper towels from obstructing hot air.
  • Place the crumpled paper towels at the bottom of the basket, ensuring they cover the entire surface without overlapping.

Tips For Preventing Paper Towels From Sticking To The Food During Cooking:

  • Spray a light layer of oil onto the paper towels before placing the food on top. This will create a barrier between the paper towels and the food, reducing the chances of it sticking.
  • Avoid using overly wet or damp paper towels, as they tend to stick more easily. Opt for dry paper towels for better results.
  • If you’re cooking food with a high moisture content, such as vegetables or fruits, consider adding a layer of parchment paper or aluminum foil on top of the paper towels. This will further prevent any potential sticking.

Remember, using paper towels in an air fryer can be a great way to reduce excess oil in your dishes while maintaining their crispiness. By following these proper techniques, you can enhance your air-frying experience and enjoy healthier meals without compromising on taste or texture.

So go ahead, experiment with your favorite recipes, and let the paper towels work their magic in your air fryer!

Read about Sutera Towel: Unleash the Power of Luxurious Comfort

Alternative Options To Paper Towels For Air Frying

Alternative Options To Paper Towels For Air Frying

Discover alternative options to paper towels for air-frying. Find out if it is safe to put paper towels in an air fryer and learn about more sustainable alternatives to use instead. Keep your air-frying experience clean and eco-friendly.

Exploring Alternative Materials For Oil Absorption In Air Frying:

Air frying has gained popularity in recent years as a healthier way to enjoy fried foods. While paper towels are commonly used to absorb excess oil in air fryers, there are alternative options available. Let’s explore some of these alternatives:

Considering The Use Of Parchment Paper In Air Fryers:

  • Parchment paper: This versatile option is heat-resistant, nonstick, and can be easily cut to fit the air fryer basket. It helps absorb oil and prevents food from sticking to the basket.
  • Advantages of parchment paper:
  • Nonstick surface: Food won’t stick to the paper, making it easy to remove from the air fryer.
  • Heat resistance: Parchment paper can withstand high temperatures, making it suitable for air frying.
  • Oil absorption: Similar to paper towels, parchment paper absorbs excess oil during the cooking process.

Examining The Use Of Silicone Mats As A Substitute For Paper Towels:

  • Silicone mats: These mats are made from food-grade silicone and can be used as a substitute for paper towels in air fryers.
  • Benefits of silicone mats:
  • Nonstick surface: Food won’t stick to the mat, making it easy to clean.
  • Reusability: Silicone mats can be used multiple times, reducing waste compared to paper towels.
  • Oil absorption: While not as absorbent as paper towels, silicone mats can still help absorb excess oil from food.

If you’re looking for alternatives to paper towels for oil absorption in air frying, consider using parchment paper or silicone mats. Both options are easy to use, heat-resistant, and can help achieve crispy and delicious results. So, go ahead and experiment with these alternatives to enhance your air frying experience.

Cleaning And Maintaining Your Air Fryer When Using Paper Towels

Cleaning And Maintaining Your Air Fryer When Using Paper Towels

Cleaning and maintaining your air fryer is crucial, but can you put a paper towel in an air fryer? It’s not recommended, as it may pose a fire hazard. Instead, use a soft cloth or sponge to keep your air fryer spotless.

Air fryers have become a popular kitchen appliance in many homes, offering a convenient and healthier way to cook. But what about cleaning and maintaining your air fryer when using paper towels? In this section, we will discuss proper cleaning techniques, tips for preventing paper towel remnants from causing damage, and regular maintenance practices to keep your air fryer in optimal condition.

Proper Cleaning Techniques For Removing Oil Residue From The Air Fryer:

  • After each use, allow your air fryer to cool down before attempting to clean it.
  • Gently remove the basket and any other removable parts, such as racks or trays.
  • Wipe away any excess oil or food particles using a soft, damp cloth or paper towel.
  • For stubborn residue, you can create a mixture of warm water and mild dish soap to thoroughly clean the surfaces.
  • Be sure to rinse off any soap residue and pat it dry with a clean towel before reassembling the air fryer.

Tips For Preventing Paper Towel Remnants From Causing Damage To The Air Fryer:

  • Avoid using excessive force when wiping or cleaning the interior of the air fryer, as this can leave behind paper towel remnants that may cause issues later on.
  • Instead of paper towels, consider using microfiber cloths or kitchen towels, which are less likely to leave behind fibers or residue.
  • Take extra care when cleaning the heating element area, as paper towel remnants can interfere with its functionality. Use gentle motions and ensure thorough cleaning without leaving any remnants behind.

Regular Maintenance Practices To Keep Your Air Fryer In Optimal Condition:

  • Regularly clean the air fryer’s removable parts, such as the basket and trays, to prevent the buildup of grease and food particles.
  • Check the manufacturer’s instructions for any specific cleaning recommendations for your model.
  • Inspect the heating element for any signs of damage or residue buildup. If necessary, gently clean it using a soft brush to remove any debris.
  • Keep the exterior of your air fryer clean by wiping it down with a damp cloth or sponge on a regular basis to prevent dirt and grease from accumulating.

By following these proper cleaning techniques, tips, and regular maintenance practices, you can ensure that your air fryer remains in optimal condition for years to come. So go ahead and enjoy using paper towels in your air fryer, just make sure to clean it properly afterward.

Happy air frying!

Discover the answers to frequently asked questions about using paper towels in air fryers. Find out whether it is safe to put a paper towel in an air fryer and learn about alternative options for achieving crispy results.

Frequently Asked Questions: Can You Put Paper Towels In An Air Fryer?

Can I Put Tin Foil In the Air Fryer?

Yes, it is safe to put tin foil in an air fryer.

Can You Put Paper Towels In An Air Fryer To Catch Grease?

Paper towels can be used in an air fryer to catch grease and prevent messes.

Is There Anything You Cannot Put In An Air Fryer?

There are certain items that should not be put in an air fryer due to safety and effectiveness reasons.

Can You Put Paper In the Air Fryer?

No, you should not put paper in an air fryer, as it can cause a fire hazard.


All in all, it is not recommended to put paper towels in an air fryer. While they may be convenient for absorbing excess oil, they can pose a fire hazard if they come into direct contact with the heating element.

Additionally, the paper towel fibers can separate and potentially contaminate your food. It is best to use alternative methods for reducing oil in your air-fried dishes, such as using a rack or perforated parchment paper. By following these precautions, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable cooking experience with your air fryer.

So, remember to prioritize safety and make informed choices when experimenting with new cooking techniques. Happy air frying!

Sayeem Neer is a full-time niche blogger. As a content Writer I have 4 years Experience. Expert at SEO and Web Design. Explore the captivating world of our feathered friends at